Zen Cart®

Hello. Thank you for loading Zen Cart®.

You are seeing this page for one or more reasons:

  1. This is your first time using Zen Cart® and you haven't yet completed the normal Installation procedure.
    If this is the case for you, Click here to begin installation.

  2. Your /includes/configure.php and/or /admin/includes/configure.php file contains invalid path information and/or invalid database-connection information.
    If you recently edited your configure.php files for any reason, or maybe moved your site to a different folder or different server, then you'll need to review and update all your settings to the correct values for your server.
    Additionally, if the permissions have been changed on your configure.php files, then maybe they're too low for the files to be read.
    Or the configure.php files could be missing altogether.
    Or your hosting company has recently changed the server's PHP configuration (or upgraded its version) then they may have broken things as well.
    See the Online FAQ and Tutorials area on the Zen Cart® website for assistance.
  3. Additional *IMPORTANT* Details: includes/configure.php file contents invalid. ie: DIR_FS_CATALOG not valid or not set

To begin installation ...

  1. Installation documentation is normally found in the /docs folder of the Zen Cart® distribution files/zip. You can also find documentation in the Online FAQs.
  2. Run zc_install/index.php via your browser.
  3. The Online FAQ and Tutorials area on the Zen Cart® website will also be of value if you run into difficulties.

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